Proofs, Paperbacks and Postcards (Oh My)

Proofs, Paperbacks and Postcards (Oh My)

There has been a lot going on for Meadowcity this past week; most importantly, the release of the ebook today!
3.99 on Amazon


Yesterday I received the first proof copy of the paperback (and literally jumped up and down in excitement when I saw the box). There is a slight issue with the printer’s translation of the file I submitted for the cover, which is making it come out at a poor resolution. But other than that, the book looks amazing!



Once I figure out the file submission issue with the printer, I’ll be requesting another proof, just to be safe.  But in the meantime, I’ll be reading through this proof copy just for kicks.

Today I received business cards and postcards that I ordered.  The postcards will be sent to my personal address list of friends and family (just in case, if for some reason they haven’t noticed I’m putting out a book!); and they will also be used for leaving in places like libraries, coffee shops, etc.  If you want a stack to hand out, contact me!

The last week of 2014 has been a big one.  My only resolution for 2015 is to make it even bigger.


Strawberry Blush Rose and Gyokuro Imperial Green Tea

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