Tourmaline & Quartz Publishing

Tourmaline & Quartz Publishing

I have been sitting on this news for a little while because I was waiting for all the paperwork to go through!

Here goes.

I have established an LLC for my publishing business, Tourmaline & Quartz Publishing! I picked the name for two of my favorite gemstones which are black and clear (white) representing contrasts but also words on the page. Tourmaline is said to repel negative energy, and quartz embodies power.

What does this mean for me?

Not much will change for me immediately, as I’m still learning how to parent two entire human beings while balancing my various publishing projects, but this is the start of a big upgrade.

I’ll be publishing my books going forward under my new publishing house, but I’m also looking to expand in the future to publish works by other authors, which is huge, exciting, and a little scary! My focus will be fantasy and sci-fi, and I’m looking forward to considering calls for anthologies as well.

Additionally, all of my editing and formatting clients will now be served under the umbrella of the company.

This is a really exciting step in my publishing career, and I appreciate everyone who has been there for me during this journey. I’ve learned a lot and can’t wait to grow some more. If you want to follow the publishing journey, subscribe over on my new website!

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